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Thanks for choosing to use Music Pro Site to create and host your music website and marketing funnel. Most of your website has already been set up. Below you will find documentation on how to customize your website. If you need help or have other questions, please email

Editing Pages

Pages that have already been created for you:

  • Home: Your home page is created using feeds from your music and social profiles. This means that your home page will be automatically updated whenever you add a song on Soundcloud, upload a YouTube video, tweet or post a photo on Instagram.
  • About
  • Contact: Go to “Contact Forms” > “Contact Forms” to edit or create a form for your Contact page
  • Legal pages: Copyright, Disclaimer, Privacy and Terms

Go “Pages” > “All Pages” and use WPBakery to customize. If you do not want to display a page, change the status from “Publish” to “Draft”

Please review the instructions on using WPBakery here:

You may also find this tutorial helpful:


Set a featured image

A post featured image is an image that you can upload to represent your post, page or other post type.

Setting a featured image is very simple: In your text editor, click on “set a featured image” (usually the box at the bottom right), upload an image and click on “use as featured image”.

If the image is hosted by a 3rd party site and you have the image url, you can use “Featured Image from URL” that is underneath the Featured Image box.

Create a gallery

Use WPBakery Page Builder to insert an image gallery by adding the Image Gallery element.

Embed a video or audio player

Use WPBakery Page Builder to insert a video or audio player by adding the Video or Audioplayer element.

WordPress embed

This WordPress feature allows you to display a media by simply paste its URL in your post. For example, simply paste a YouTube video URL into your post. WordPress will automatically turn that into a YouTube embed.

Learn more on the WordPress Codex page.

Marketing Funnel

The automated marketing funnel infrastructure has already been set up for you.

Sales Pages

  • Free Download: This is the Fan Magnet opt-in page. We’ve selected a track and created the page for you.
  • Free Download – Thank You – VIP: This is the Fan Magnet Thank You page with an upsell for your Music Membership program. This page has been pre-built for you.
  • Free Download – Thank You – Album: This is the Fan Magnet Thank You page with an upsell for your Fan Tripwire.
  • Album:  This is the Fan Tripwire sales page.
  • Album – Thank You – VIP: This is the Fan Tripwire Thank You page with an upsell for your Music Membership program. 
  • VIP : This is the Fan Core Offer (Music Membership) sales page. This page has been pre-built for you.
  • VIP – Thank You: This is the Fan Core Offer Thank You page with an upsell for your Printful merchandise. This page has been pre-built for you.
  • Thank You: This is the generic Thank You page that customers will see when the purchase a product that is not part of your funnel.

Go “Pages” > “All Pages” and use WPBakery to customize. If you do not want to display a page, change the status from “Publish” to “Draft”

Fan Lists / Newsletter

There are 3 mailing lists that have been creating for you:

  • Fan Newsletter 1: fans who sign up for your Fan Magnet
  • Fan Newsletter 2: customers who made a purchase but did not buy your Core Offer
  • Fan Newsletter 3: customers who buy your Core Offer

The signup form has already been created and embedded on your website . A fan will be automatically moved between the mailing lists depending on their purchases.

Follow Up Autoresponders

Follow up autoresponder sequences for each list have already been pre-loaded for you (“Newsletters” > “Campaigns” > “Autoresponders”).

  • Fan Newsletter 1: 3 emails set to go out 1 day, 2 days and 3 days after subscribing
  • Fan Newsletter 2: 3 emails set to go out 1 day, 2 days and 3 days after purchasing
  • Fan Newsletter 3: 1 Thank You email set to go out immediately after purchasing the Core Offer

Please see video below on how to edit the emails. Make sure to activate the email once you’re done with the edits.


Make sure to set up your Payment integration! If you haven’t already, please complete this form so we can set up PayPal for you. For help setting up PayPal, please review: PayPal Identity Token, PayPal API Credentials

WooCommerce allows you to build your online shop. You will find a “Shop” tab in the Customizer options. You can set your number of products per page and your shop layout there. You can also use WPBakery Page Builder to display your products wherever you want.

Your website has already been set up with the Shop, Cart, Checkout and Account pages and many products have pre-loaded for you.


To edit your products , go to “Products” > “All Products”.  For products that you do not wish to display, simply change the product status from “Published” to “Draft.”

Underneath the visual editor of each product, you will see the Product Data section. In the Autoresponder tab, you’ll find the automation for each product. This has already been set up for you. Here’s how to edit it:

  • Thank You Page Redirect: Select the page you want the customer to see after they purchase this product


You can check out the complete WooCommerce documentation here:


If you want to sell merchandise but don’t want to deal with inventory, packaging and shipping, we highly recommend using Printful. It’s free to sign up and they will handle the order fulfillment for you. All you need to do is create products by uploading designs (i.e. logos, album covers, band photos, etc.). This is a quick and easy way to make fan gear available for sale.

*** We are working on your Printful integration and you’ll receive an email about it soon. If you’d like it done faster, you can easily set it up yourself by following the instructions here:

Tracking Codes

Use the Tracking Codes plugin to add your Google Analytics code and or any other header/footer scripts. You can add CSS or Javascript.


The Discography page has already been created for you. Use the Customizer to update the layout of the Discography page. Note that any content on the Releases page will be ignored. For more flexibility, you can also create any page and use WPBakery Page Builder to display your releases.

Add a release to your “Discography” page

To add a release to your “Discography” page, go to “Discography” > “Add New” and fill the “Release Details” box below the text editor.  Additionally, you can insert any content to display on your release page.


The Events pages has already been created for you. Use the Customizer to update the layout of the Events page. Note that any content in this page will be ignored. For more flexibility, you can also create any page and use WPBakery Page Builder to display your events.

Add a date to your “Events” page

To add a date to your “Events” page, go to “Events” > “Add New” and fill the “Event Details” box below the text editor. Additionally, you can insert any content to display on your release page.


The Blog page has already been created for you. This particular page will used to display the blog archives, categories, tags etc…

Note that any content in this page will be ignored.

This particular page will used to display the blog archives, categories, tags etc…

Post formats

The blog supports all WordPress post formats. Post Formats allow you to display your posts differently depending on your content. In you post editor page, you can select which post format you want to use in the “Format” box, usually, at the right of your text editor.


It is the typical WordPress post. It will display the title, the featured image (if set) and the content below.


A single image. The featured image will be used, and, on click, will open its full size version in a lightbox.


The theme will look for the first gallery in your post content and use it as featured gallery.

Any gallery or slider will be considered as gallery.


The first video URL will be considered the video.

Use the “Video Thumbnail” metabox above the “Featured Image” box to generate a thumbnail from any Vimeo or YouTube video automatically and use it as featured image. The script will look for the first YouTube or Vimeo URL in your post and generate a thumbnail.


An audio file. You can use the audio shortcode provided by WordPress using the media library (“Add media” button). You can also embed a soundloud song using WordPress embed feature by pasting your song soundcloud URL.


A link to another site. The first URL in your post will be used and your post title will be linked to this URL.


The first quote of your post will be considered as the featured quote.


Typically styled without a title. Similar to a Facebook note update. You can use this post format to display an embed tweet.


Same as status format


A chat transcript, like so:

John: foo
Mary: bar
John: foo 2

There isn’t any specific style for the chat post format.

Split your post

Firs, note that the more tag won’t be used if you choose the “Auto excerpt” option in the customizer “Blog” tab or with certain blog layout.

You can split your post to add a “Continue reading →” link on the post index page.

To do so, use the WordPress more tag.

You can find the More Tag button in the first row of the visual editor.

Single Post Options

You can choose how you want to display your post single view in the Post Options, just below your text editor.

Note that the “Featured” options will be used for the metro layout, to display a bigger post thumbnail for your post.

Customizer / Theme Settings

Theme settings are the backbone of the theme. They give you full control over your website and allow you to customize the design without modifying a single line of code. There are three type of options you can set: the Customizer Mods, the Single Page Options and the other Admin “Appearance” sub-menus available depending on the plugins installed.


To change the heading fonts on your website, please review this tutorial:

Customizer Mods

The Customizer Mods are responsible for the global appearance of the entire website, unless otherwise specified in Page Options. They are accessible in the “Appearance” > “Customizer” from your admin panel, or directly by clicking on “Customize” in the frontend admin bar.

Page Options

The Page Options are located inside every page, post, product (or other post type) single page admin. You can override particular Customizer Mods for single page diversification (like the Page Header for example).

Most of these settings will be available for all post types, such as Site OptionsHeader OptionsMenu Options and Footer Options

Additionally, specific options will be available depending on the post type.

Custom 404 Page

A Custom 404 Page has already been created for you. You can find this page in “Pages” > “All Pages” and use WPBakery to customize it.

Maintenance Mode

A Maintenance page has already been created for you. You can find this page in “Pages” > “All Pages” and use WPBakery to customize it. To switch your website in maintenance mode, you can set your Maintenance page as “Front page” in the “Settings” > “Reading” panel.

Coming Soon

A Coming Soon page has already been created for you. You can find this page in “Pages” > “All Pages” and use WPBakery to customize it.  You can set your Coming Soon page as  “Front page” in the “Settings” > “Reading” panel.

* The ArtistPR theme is a child theme of Loud by Wolf Themes and has been  modified for your use. This tutorial is adapted from the Loud WordPress Theme Documentation, which you can find here.